Published in Hornbill July-September 2005
If you are a researcher in the Western Ghats who is tired of staying in Inspection Bungalows or Forest rest houses under the threat of eviction anytime and your experience of life in the jungle is the same as mine, read on. My memory of working in the rainforests of the Western Ghats goes like this – wet tent, damp firewood, leeches galore, mouldy clothes, an unending series of dinners of semolina, instant noodles, rice and dhal and a desperate craving for pizza. Of course, there is the bright side of camping – of time spent watching a giant millipede make its way across the leaf litter, glow-worms that light up the night like earth bound stars, lizards that seem like butterflies as they glide from tree to tree, waking to the call of the Malabar Whistling Thrush. For a late blooming naturalist like me whose idea of comfort was four walls and a bed, the dreariness of camping (which hits a low at nightfall) outweighed the joyfulness (during the day) and I suspect that’s the reason why so many field researchers drop by the wayside in India. Rom Whitaker decided that if the researchers can’t be brought to the mountains, then the mountains will have to meet them half-way. That was how the idea of the field station began more than a year ago.
But why in Agumbe, you may well ask? Agumbe holds a special place in Rom’s affection as he caught his first king cobra there back in 1971. He has since visited the place as often as he can. When the rest of the country’s towns and cities are undergoing a vast transformation, Agumbe has remained the same for the last 35 years and that appealed to Rom. Ok, there are a couple of tea stalls extra but that is the only visible change. The people are still warm and effusive, bringing you hot steaming cups of heavenly kashayam (a non-caffeinated medicinal drink) to ward off the rainy chills. It also helps that the people here have a reverence for king cobras, missing elsewhere. In one case a king cobra strayed into a bathroom and the people of the household lived with it for three days before seeking our help. They consider it a god who has graced their house and they were very particular that we didn’t harm the snake (or anger it) in any way. “That’s half the battle won,” Rom said in admiration. After living all his life in places where it was hard to convince local people to let snakes live, it was a welcome sign of relief that he didn’t have to do any proselytizing here. Rom’s dream was also to have a station where king cobras casually cross the backyard to drink from the spring and he found it in Agumbe.
Agumbe is only a non-glamorous Reserve Forest but adjacent to one of the last surviving lowland rainforests, Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary and the more famous Kudremukh National Park. A couple of kilometers from the town into the Reserve Forest, Rom came across an eight-acre agricultural land. When we heard that the family was looking for a buyer we began scrounging for money. We didn’t have any but Rom’s mum, Doris Norden, said she had some money she would like to give him for the cause. Hectic parleying began with the owners but before the deal could be concluded Doris died. Exactly a year later, Rom bought that piece of land with money his mother had willed him and finally Rom was the proud owner of land in prime king cobra territory.
In April 2005, Rom won the Whitley Award, which would help set up cottages, buy basic scientific equipment, and a vehicle. The land is not connected to the electric grid and Rom decided he wanted a place that was a model of sustainability – a hybrid of solar and hydel electricity would power the station. It’s easier said than done unless you have expert help which we found in Jos van den Akker of Auroville. Jos found ways to cut costs and put us in touch with hydel power expert, Ramasubramanian.
We needed help with building designs and blueprints so Srikumar Menon, a faculty member of the Manipal Institute of Technology volunteered his help. A team of his architectural students have come up with a design for the cottages and during the first week of December 2005, construction will begin. It finally seemed likely that the rainforest research station would transcend from a dream to reality.
Naturenet CafĂ© is the name of the local village information centre that Rom dreams of setting up in tandem with the field station. With high speed broadband and intranet connectivity, local farmers can find the best market prices for their produce, school students can get trained in the new technology, information on sustainable ways of farming, land use, ecology, wildlife will be made available here. Passing tourists can purchase locally made handicrafts and information on the rainforest, not to mention hot cups of kashayam, king cobra T-shirts and merchandise. For me, it’s just the place to do emails without having to hike up to Thirthahalli or down to Manipal.
It has been a frustrating few months – we had the money and the designs but the monsoon was in full swing. At the time of writing Agumbe had already received more than 7000 mm of rain, reportedly next only to Cherrapunji. As we sat in the courtyard of the old mud farmhouse and watched the rain swirl round and round, a flock of woolly necked storks walked in and out of the mist. Birders visiting the station made a casual list of 200 species of birds, barking deer visit the land in plain sight of the house, a troop of common langurs are shy neighbours and of course there are the king cobras.
P. Gowri Shankar is the intrepid Education Officer who lives on site. In between visiting local schools and colleges on environment education campaigns, he has caught 18 king cobras from people’s houses, gardens, wells and plantations. Early this year he became the first researcher to ever witness a wild king cobra making her nest. Rom scurried around for a video camera to send Gowri but by that time nest building was complete. The mother abandoned her nest after a few days because of local disturbance nearby – a land owner decided to set fire to a massive trunk of tree which smoldered for days. Smoke is anathema to snakes and it effectively drove the mother snake away. Similarly temperatures and humidity of two other nests (both also abandoned by the mother snake) on private estates were monitored throughout the entire period of incubation and the results of the first such studies of wild nests are beginning to emerge. In all instances, Rom put his hand deep into the nest to put in data loggers and reported that the packed mound of vegetation kept the eggs dry during the torrential rains. The output from the data logger however, suggests that the pile of leaf litter does not raise the temperature of the nest chamber. These wild nests took a lot longer than captive eggs to hatch because of the low temperatures they incubated in but they produced very healthy, sturdy babies. Surprising too was the hatching rate of 99% - we thought we were doing well with 60% in captivity. The natural incubator the mother king cobra makes from leaves somehow keeps the eggs healthy while no man-made incubator seems capable of maintaining the high humidity without a fungal attack.
One observant villager mentioned that he had seen the mother king cobra bask in the morning light and then go into her nest. Perhaps she was bringing additional heat into a cool nest to aid incubation? Maybe there was survival merit in speeding up incubation so the eggs remained vulnerable only for a short time. Until we find a nest with a guarding female, this will remain mere speculation. And therein lies the conundrum – female king cobras in the Western Ghats seem to be very sensitive to disturbance. They seem to flee at the first smell of danger and yet we have heard of occasional persistent females who tried to return to their nests for days despite being repeatedly chased away by people. It’s a matter of time before we come upon a determined nest guarding king cobra and until then the questions will remain.
In March this year Gowri was called to a house to catch a king cobra that had fallen in to a well. After considerable difficulty he pulled out a male. The very next day the same people called Gowri to catch a king cobra which had fallen into the well. It turned out to be a female. Intriguingly this leads us to surmise that female king cobras may actively seek their mates.
In April we visited a nest abandoned by the mother king cobra who had been making a nest in the same place for the last three years, according to the villagers. If this is true (and you can be sure we will be there next nesting season) this will be the first recorded evidence of king cobra nest-site fidelity in India. Every single nest site we have seen in the last two years has been GPS marked (as was every capture and relocation) and in the following years, it would be interesting to see if nest-site fidelity is the norm.
One of the questions also remaining to be answered is – why do king cobras gravitate towards habitation. For years, the standard reply was because rats live with people; rat snakes come to eat rats and king cobras follow to eat the rat snakes. But there is a possibility that king cobras living close to villages may seek coolness during the hot dry months and warmth in the cold rainy months. We make convenient cave-like dwellings (we call houses) that provide the optimum temperature for a snake when the weather is harsh.
I have been reading your posts on Nat history India and also saw your blog. Just wanted to say that you are very eloquent in your writings. Good job!
hi...what a fascinating post!Loved reading it.
Hi Janaki,
Awesome ... the conservation of the king is very close to my heart and Rom has made the idea practical by getting this conservation plan on the road.
By the way, you have a comfortable language and it flows easy :).
Is the research station open or are the logistics still goin on ? Is it possible to meet Rom in Madras or is he in Agumbe ?
Thanks ....
Just came back from ARRS. it is every bit as you described and much more. Prashanth and Suresh rock and I'm sure Gowri rocks too ;).
It is such a feeling to sit by the stream waiting for the world's biggest venomous serpent to show itself.
Didn't see the Kalinga after slogging through the pebbled and stoned stream ;) but could feel it's presence in the perfect habitat that Agumbe is.
Got to see some spots where the king was last seen and boy oh boy, was it spiritual !!!! ....
I Wish Rom all the best. Plan to visit ARRS once in a month and spend some quality time in the King's realm.
Anytime between Jan and June for kings but no guarantees of a sighting as you know. For a general visit - anytime depending on your comfort levels - i.e., the monsoon may be too much for some.
hi janaki
i am one of the students of srikumar m. menon who designed those cottages.
have been to agumbe.
awesome place.
awesome article.
wow...!! the last 4 years i have been living in manipal(55km from agumbe), i never got to hear abt this..!! Now when i am almost about to leave this place i hear it..!!! anyways, u r doin a great job, all the best with ur work!!
Dear Janaki,
First of all let me congratulate you for this vividly crafted narration...it's realy well written.
I am a student at the Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Pondicherry University. I was told by prof Priya Davidar that Rom had mailed her about prospective volunteers to help him with the radio collar tracking of Kings at Agumbe. I would be more than glad to help.
Could you suggest some names and contact numbers to get me started.
Thanks a million.
As e2d posted, fascinating reading! The king cobras of India are certainly lucky to have two people like you and Rom in their corner. Sincerely hope to visit ARRS someday. Any chance of buying a couple of the king t-shirts that were mentioned? Many thanks. Good luck with all your projects.
Bill Huseth
Thanks, Bill. Perhaps by the time you visit we should have that phase of the project up and running. We are still developing the Base itself - adding a dorm, a proper office, planting, etc. It's a bit tricky getting into souveniers as someone has to be dedicated to that job - the procuring of materials, executing the prints and so on. But we'll get there sooner rather than later.
Hi sir
i have visited the ARRS in the 2nd week of may 07. one of your experts there told me i could come and stay there 4 a few days to observe them in action.i would like to come at the earliest. i didnt have the honour of meeting the king in my last visit but i hope to when i visit next. i was told the best time to visit is the monsoon. now that the monsoon has set in i cant wait to come over.could you please give me the contact number of the ARRS.
Dr Pradyumna KM
Kasturba Medical College
(Manipal University)
I need your email id so one of the others in the ARRS team can contact you.
Hey Janaki,
I had been to ARRS in mid june 07 and I must say the place rocked....Just loved the way Prashanth was so hospitable.Dint get to meet Gowri though as he was in Bangalore then...Wish i could go there more often.)i had wanted to contact prashanth but i lost the visiting card he gave me :(
Couldnt see the King though..hoping to see it the next time around i go there...Would definitely wanna stay there for a few days if they wudnt mind having me around :)
My mail id is princezahed@yahoo.co.in incase you need it.
P.S-> I also have a few snaps of ARRS and Prashanth that i took and i was supposed to send them to him but lost the mail id.
Hi Janaki....
Awseome and informative post. I am a native of Agumbe and am yet too see the ARRS and now dont intend to waste a single minute before going there. Was Just wondering... where is Ron Based as of the moment?
absolutely awesome!
will be passing through agumbe in 2nd week of jan on my way from mumbai to vittal. after having gone thru your post i would love to spend a couple of days in/around arrs. grateful if u cud mail me the contacts of people who i need to get in touch.
I had been to this place and the place is amazing but the time was not right...the right time according to them is between feb and august and i am planning to go there during that time...
Its indeed been a very fascination as well as informative reading.Having a great reverence for king cobras myself,(have captured one in my camera during one of my recent trips to the Anshi national park),this reading has only made me more keener to study this beautiful species in more details.Wud definitely meet all you guys as and when i visit Agumbe, which i presume would be very soon.
I am chaitanya sangawar.
I was part of the team which installed Solar photovoltaic systems at Agumbe.
Its great to read the article.
How is rom and the rest of the team.
I am happy to have such a research station for the interested person in know more about the snakes.
Snake Expert,
Hello Janaki,
I came across this blog while trying to find some info about ARRS. I really liked this write up and I should say i am very much inspired by the efforts you and Rom have put in to realize your dreams. I need some more information about a visit to ARRS. Whom I should contact to inform regarding our visit beforehand? Can you please help me with this?
Thanks and Regards,
A beautiful account. One automatically wants to know what happened next?
Wildlfe fascinates me - but snakes scare me. Killed quite a few in early youth out of fear - the fear didn't go but the guilt has crept in over the years :(
Wish you amazing folks all the best.
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